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Query API

Logfire provides a web API for programmatically running arbitrary SQL queries against the data in your Logfire projects. This API can be used to retrieve data for export, analysis, or integration with other tools, allowing you to leverage your data in a variety of ways.

The API is available at and requires a read token for authentication. Read tokens can be generated from the Logfire web interface and provide secure access to your data.

The API can return data in various formats, including JSON, Apache Arrow, and CSV, to suit your needs. See here for more details about the available response formats.

How to Create a Read Token

If you've set up Logfire following the getting started guide, you can generate read tokens from the Logfire web interface, for use accessing the Logfire Query API.

To create a read token:

  1. Open the Logfire web interface at
  2. Select your project from the Projects section on the left-hand side of the page.
  3. Click on the ⚙️ Settings tab in the top right corner of the page.
  4. Select the Read tokens tab from the left-hand menu.
  5. Click on the Create read token button.

After creating the read token, you'll see a dialog with the token value. Copy this value and store it securely, it will not be shown again.

Using the Read Clients

While you can make direct HTTP requests to Logfire's querying API, we provide Python clients to simplify the process of interacting with the API from Python.

Logfire provides both synchronous and asynchronous clients. These clients are currently experimental, meaning we might introduce breaking changes in the future. To use these clients, you can import them from the experimental namespace:

from logfire.experimental.query_client import AsyncLogfireQueryClient, LogfireQueryClient

Additional required dependencies

To use the query clients provided in logfire.experimental.query_client, you need to install httpx.

If you want to retrieve Arrow-format responses, you will also need to install pyarrow.

Client Usage Examples

The AsyncLogfireQueryClient allows for asynchronous interaction with the Logfire API. If blocking I/O is acceptable and you want to avoid the complexities of asynchronous programming, you can use the plain LogfireQueryClient.

Here's an example of how to use these clients:

from io import StringIO

import polars as pl
from logfire.experimental.query_client import AsyncLogfireQueryClient

async def main():
    query = """
    SELECT start_timestamp
    FROM records
    LIMIT 1

    async with AsyncLogfireQueryClient(read_token='<your_read_token>') as client:
        # Load data as JSON, in column-oriented format
        json_cols = await client.query_json(sql=query)

        # Load data as JSON, in row-oriented format
        json_rows = await client.query_json_rows(sql=query)

        # Retrieve data in arrow format, and load into a polars DataFrame
        # Note that JSON columns such as `attributes` will be returned as
        # JSON-serialized strings
        df_from_arrow = pl.from_arrow(await client.query_arrow(sql=query))

        # Retrieve data in CSV format, and load into a polars DataFrame
        # Note that JSON columns such as `attributes` will be returned as
        # JSON-serialized strings
        df_from_csv = pl.read_csv(StringIO(await client.query_csv(sql=query)))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import asyncio
from io import StringIO

import polars as pl
from logfire.experimental.query_client import LogfireQueryClient

def main():
    query = """
    SELECT start_timestamp
    FROM records
    LIMIT 1

    with LogfireQueryClient(read_token='<your_read_token>') as client:
        # Load data as JSON, in column-oriented format
        json_cols = client.query_json(sql=query)

        # Load data as JSON, in row-oriented format
        json_rows = client.query_json_rows(sql=query)

        # Retrieve data in arrow format, and load into a polars DataFrame
        # Note that JSON columns such as `attributes` will be returned as
        # JSON-serialized strings
        df_from_arrow = pl.from_arrow(client.query_arrow(sql=query))

        # Retrieve data in CSV format, and load into a polars DataFrame
        # Note that JSON columns such as `attributes` will be returned as
        # JSON-serialized strings
        df_from_csv = pl.read_csv(StringIO(client.query_csv(sql=query)))

if __name__ == '__main__':

Making Direct HTTP Requests

If you prefer not to use the provided clients, you can make direct HTTP requests to the Logfire API using any HTTP client library, such as requests in Python. Below are the general steps and an example to guide you:

General Steps to Make a Direct HTTP Request

  1. Set the Endpoint URL: The base URL for the Logfire API is

  2. Add Authentication: Include the read token in your request headers to authenticate. The header key should be Authorization with the value Bearer <your_read_token_here>.

  3. Define the SQL Query: Write the SQL query you want to execute.

  4. Send the Request: Use an HTTP GET request to the /v1/query endpoint with the SQL query as a query parameter.

Note: You can provide additional query parameters to control the behavior of your requests. You can also use the Accept header to specify the desired format for the response data (JSON, Arrow, or CSV).

Example: Using Python requests Library

import requests

# Define the base URL and your read token
base_url = ''
read_token = '<your_read_token_here>'

# Set the headers for authentication
headers = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {read_token}'}

# Define your SQL query
query = """
SELECT start_timestamp
FROM records

# Prepare the query parameters for the GET request
params = {
    'sql': query

# Send the GET request to the Logfire API
response = requests.get(f'{base_url}/v1/query', params=params, headers=headers)

# Check the response status
if response.status_code == 200:
    print("Query Successful!")
    print(f"Failed to execute query. Status code: {response.status_code}")

Additional Configuration

The Logfire API supports various response formats and query parameters to give you flexibility in how you retrieve your data:

  • Response Format: Use the Accept header to specify the response format. Supported values include:
    • application/json: Returns the data in JSON format. By default, this will be column-oriented unless specified otherwise with the json_rows parameter.
    • application/ Returns the data in Apache Arrow format, suitable for high-performance data processing.
    • text/csv: Returns the data in CSV format, which is easy to use with many data tools.
    • If no Accept header is provided, the default response format is JSON.
  • Query Parameters:
    • sql: The SQL query to execute. This is the only required query parameter.
    • min_timestamp: An optional ISO-format timestamp to filter records with start_timestamp greater than this value for the records table or recorded_timestamp greater than this value for the metrics table. The same filtering can also be done manually within the query itself.
    • max_timestamp: Similar to min_timestamp, but serves as an upper bound for filtering start_timestamp in the records table or recorded_timestamp in the metrics table. The same filtering can also be done manually within the query itself.
    • limit: An optional parameter to limit the number of rows returned by the query. If not specified, the default limit is 500. The maximum allowed value is 10,000.
    • row_oriented: Only affects JSON responses. If set to true, the JSON response will be row-oriented; otherwise, it will be column-oriented.

All query parameters besides sql are optional and can be used in any combination to tailor the API response to your needs.

Important Notes

  • Experimental Feature: The query clients are under the experimental namespace, indicating that the API may change in future versions.
  • Environment Configuration: Remember to securely store your read token in environment variables or a secure vault for production use.

With read tokens, you have the flexibility to integrate Logfire into your workflow, whether using Python scripts, data analysis tools, or other systems.