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Add Logfire Manual Tracing

Spans, logs, and traces

Here's a simple example of using Logfire:

import time

import logfire


with logfire.span('This is a span'):
    time.sleep(1)'This is an info log')

If you run this it should print something like:

Logfire project URL:
21:02:55.078 This is a span
21:02:56.084   This is an info log

Opening the project URL should show something like this in the Live view:

Simple example in Live view

The blue box with 1+ means that the span contains 1 direct child. Clicking on that box expands the span to reveal its children:

Simple example in Live view with span opened

Note that:

  1. Any spans or logs created inside the with logfire.span(...): block will be children of that span. This lets you organize your logs nicely in a structured tree. You can also see this parent-child relationship in the console logs based on the indentation.
  2. Spans have a start and an end time, and thus a duration. This span took 3 seconds to complete.
  3. For logs, the start and end time are the same, so they don't have a duration. But you can still see in the UI that the log was created 1 second after the span started and 2 seconds before it ended.

If you click on the 'Explore' link in the top navbar, you can write SQL to explore further, e.g:

Query in Explore view: select extract('seconds' from end_timestamp - start_timestamp) as duration, kind, message, trace_id, span_id, parent_span_id from records order by start_timestamp


  1. Spans and logs are stored together in the same records table.
  2. The parent_span_id of the log is the span_id of the span.
  3. Both have the same trace_id. You can click on it to open a new tab in the Live view filtered to that trace.

A trace is a tree of spans/logs sharing the same root. Whenever you create a new span/log when there's no active span, a new trace is created. If it's a span, any descendants of that span will be part of the same trace. To keep your logs organized nicely into traces, it's best to create spans at the top level representing high level operations such as handling web server requests.


Spans and logs can have structured data attached to them, e.g:'Hello', name='world')

If you click on the 'Hello' log in the Live view, you should see this in the details panel on the right:

name attribute in Live view

This data is stored in the attributes column in the records table as JSON. You can use e.g. attributes->>'name' = 'world' in the SQL filter at the top of the Live view to show only this log. This is used as the WHERE clause of a SQL query on the records table.

Both spans and logs can have attributes containing arbitrary values which will be intelligently serialized to JSON as needed. You can pass any keyword arguments to set attributes as long as they don't start with an underscore (_). That namespace is reserved for other keyword arguments with logfire-specific meanings.

Sometimes it's useful to attach an attribute to a span after it's been created but before it's finished. You can do this by calling the span.set_attribute method:

with logfire.span('Calculating...') as span:
    result = 1 + 2
    span.set_attribute('result', result)

Messages and span names

If you run this code:

import logfire


for name in ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Carol']:'Hello {name}', name=name)

Query in Explore view: select span_name, attributes->>'name' as name, message from records order by start_timestamp

Here you can see that:

  1. The first argument 'Hello {name}' becomes the value of the span_name column. You can use this to find all records coming from the same code even if the messages are different, e.g. with the SQL filter span_name = 'Hello {name}'.
  2. The span name is also used as a str.format-style template which is formatted with the attributes to produce the message column. The message is what's shown in the console logs and the Live view.

You can also set span.message after a span is started but before it's finished, e.g:

with logfire.span('Calculating...') as span:
    result = 1 + 2
    span.message = f'Calculated: {result}'

You could use message to filter for related records, e.g. message like 'Hello%', but filtering on the span_name column is more efficient because it's indexed. Similarly, it's better to use span_name = 'Hello {name}' and attributes->>'name' = 'Alice' than message = 'Hello Alice'.

To allow efficiently filtering for related records, span names should be low cardinality, meaning they shouldn't vary too much. For example, this would be bad:

name = get_username()'Hello ' + name, name=name)

because now the span_name column will have a different value for every username. But this would be fine:

word = 'Goodbye' if leaving else 'Hello' + ' {name}', name=name)

because now the span_name column will only have two values ('Goodbye {name}' and 'Hello {name}') and it's both easier and more efficient to filter on span_name = 'Hello {name}' than span_name = '{word} {name}' and attributes->>'word' = 'Hello'.

You can use the _span_name argument when you want the span name to be different from the message template, e.g:'Hello {name}', name='world', _span_name='Hello')

This will set the span_name to 'Hello' and the message to 'Hello world'. Note that the _span_name argument starts with an underscore to distinguish it from attributes.


Instead of this:'Hello {name}', name=name)

it's much more convenient to use an f-string to avoid repeating name three times:'Hello {name}')

Contrary to the previous section, this will work well in Python 3.11+ because Logfire will use special magic to both set the span_name to 'Hello {name}' and set the name attribute to the value of the name variable, so it's equivalent to the previous snippet. Here's what you need to know about this:

  • The feature is enabled by default in Python 3.11+. You can disable it with logfire.configure(inspect_arguments=False). You can also enable it in Python 3.9 and 3.10, but it's more likely to not work correctly.
  • Inspecting arguments is expected to always work under normal circumstances. The main caveat is that the source code must be available, so e.g. deploying only .pyc files will cause it to fail.
  • If inspecting arguments fails, you will get a warning, and the f-string argument will be used as a formatting template. This means you will get high-cardinality span names such as 'Hello Alice' and no name attribute, but the information won't be completely lost.
  • If inspecting arguments is enabled, then arguments will be inspected regardless of whether f-strings are being used. So if you write'Hello {name}', name=name) and inspecting arguments fails, then you will still get a warning.
  • The values inside f-strings are evaluated and formatted by Logfire a second time. This means you should avoid code like'Hello {get_username()}') if get_username() (or the string conversion of whatever it returns) is expensive or has side effects.
  • The first argument must be an actual f-string.'Hello {name}') will work, but message = f'Hello {name}'; will not, nor will'Hello ' + name).
  • Inspecting arguments is cached so that the performance overhead of repeatedly inspecting the same f-string is minimal. However, there is a non-negligible overhead of parsing a large source file the first time arguments need to be inspected inside it. Either way, avoiding this overhead requires disabling inspecting arguments entirely, not merely avoiding f-strings.


The logfire.span context manager will automatically record any exceptions that cause it to exit, e.g:

import logfire


with logfire.span('This is a span'):
    raise ValueError('This is an error')

If you click on the span in the Live view, the panel on the right will have an 'Exception Traceback' tab:

Traceback in UI

Exceptions which are caught and not re-raised will not be recorded, e.g:

with logfire.span('This is a span'):
        raise ValueError('This is an acceptable error not worth recording')
    except ValueError:

If you want to record a handled exception, use the span.record_exception method:

with logfire.span('This is a span') as span:
        raise ValueError('Catch this error, but record it')
    except ValueError as e:

Alternatively, if you only want to log exceptions without creating a span for the normal case, you can use logfire.exception:

    raise ValueError('This is an error')
except ValueError:
    logfire.exception('Something went wrong')

logfire.exception(...) is equivalent to logfire.error(..., _exc_info=True). You can also use _exc_info with the other logging methods if you want to record a traceback in a log with a non-error level. You can set _exc_info to a specific exception object if it's not the one being handled. Don't forget the leading underscore!

Convenient function spans with @logfire.instrument

Often you want to wrap a whole function in a span. Instead of doing this:

def my_function(x, y):
    with logfire.span('my_function', x=x, y=y):

you can use the @logfire.instrument decorator:

def my_function(x, y):

By default, this will add the function arguments to the span as attributes. To disable this (e.g. if the arguments are large objects not worth collecting), use instrument(extract_args=False).

The default span name will be something like Calling module_name.my_function. You can pass an alternative span name as the first argument to instrument, and it can even be a template into which arguments will be formatted, e.g:

@logfire.instrument('Applying my_function to {x=} and {y=}')
def my_function(x, y):

my_function(3, 4)
# Logs: Applying my_function to x=3 and y=4


  • The @logfire.instrument decorator MUST be applied first, i.e., UNDER any other decorators.
  • The source code of the function MUST be accessible.

Log levels

The following methods exist for creating logs with different levels:

  • logfire.trace
  • logfire.debug
  • logfire.notice
  • logfire.warn
  • logfire.error
  • logfire.fatal

By default, trace and debug logs are hidden. You can change this by clicking the 'Default levels' dropdown in the Live view:

Default levels dropdown

You can also set the minimum level used for console logging with logfire.configure, e.g:

import logfire


To log a message with a variable level you can use logfire.log, e.g. logfire.log('info', 'This is an info log') is equivalent to'This is an info log').

Spans are level info by default. You can change this with the _level argument, e.g. with logfire.span('This is a debug span', _level='debug'):. You can also change the level after the span has started but before it's finished with span.set_level, e.g:

with logfire.span('Doing a thing') as span:
    success = do_thing()
    if not success:

In the Live view, spans are colored based on the highest level of them and their descendants. So e.g. this code:

import logfire


with logfire.span('Outer span'):
    with logfire.span('Inner span'):'This is an info message')
        logfire.error('This is an error message')

will be displayed like this:

Spans colored by level

Here the spans themselves still have their level set to info as is the default, but they're colored red instead of blue because they contain an error log.

If a span finishes with an unhandled exception, then in addition to recording a traceback as described above, the span's log level will be set to error. This will not happen when using the span.record_exception method.

In the database, the log level is stored as a number in the level column. The values are based on OpenTelemetry, e.g. info is 9. You can convert level names to numbers using the level_num SQL function, e.g. level > level_num('info') will find all 'unusual' records. You can also use the level_name SQL function to convert numbers to names, e.g. SELECT level_name(level), ... to see a human-readable level in the Explore view. Note that the level column is indexed so that filtering on level = level_num('error') is efficient, but filtering on level_name(level) = 'error' is not.