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Suppress Spans and Metrics

At Logfire we want to provide you with the best experience possible. We understand that sometimes you might want to fine tune the data you're sending to Logfire. That's why we provide you with the ability to suppress spans and metrics.

We provide two ways to suppress the data you're sending to Logfire: Suppress Scopes and Suppress Instrumentation.

Suppress Scopes

You can suppress spans and metrics from a specific OpenTelemetry scope. This is useful when you want to suppress data from a specific package.

For example, if you have BigQuery installed, it automatically instruments itself with OpenTelemetry. Which means that you need to opt-out of instrumentation if you don't want to send data to Logfire related to BigQuery.

You can do this by calling the suppress_scopes method.

import logfire


In this case, we're suppressing the scope All spans and metrics related to BigQuery will not be sent to Logfire.

Suppress Instrumentation

Sometimes you might want to suppress spans from a specific part of your code, and not a whole package.

For example, assume you are using [HTTPX], but you don't want to suppress all the spans and metrics related to it. You just want to suppress a small part of the code that you know will generate a lot of spans.

You can do this by using the suppress_instrumentation context manager.

import httpx
import logfire


client = httpx.Client()

# The span generated will be sent to Logfire.

# The span generated will NOT be sent to Logfire.
with logfire.suppress_instrumentation():

In this case, the span generated inside the with logfire.suppress_instrumentation(): block will not be sent to Logfire.