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The logfire.instrument_pymongo() method will create a span for every operation performed using your PyMongo clients.


Install logfire with the pymongo extra:

pip install 'logfire[pymongo]'
rye add logfire -E pymongo
poetry add 'logfire[pymongo]'
uv add 'logfire[pymongo]'


The following example demonstrates how to use Logfire with PyMongo.

Run Mongo on Docker (Optional)

If you already have a MongoDB instance running, you can skip this step. Otherwise, you can start MongoDB using Docker with the following command:

docker run --name mongo -p 27017:27017 -d mongo:latest

Run the Python script

The following script connects to a MongoDB database, inserts a document, and queries it:

import logfire
from pymongo import MongoClient


client = MongoClient()
db = client["database"]
collection = db["collection"]
collection.insert_one({"name": "MongoDB"})


You can pass capture_statement=True to logfire.instrument_pymongo() to capture the queries.

By default, it is set to False to avoid capturing sensitive information.

The keyword arguments of logfire.instrument_pymongo() are passed to the PymongoInstrumentor().instrument() method of the OpenTelemetry pymongo Instrumentation package, read more about it here.