
Third-party integrations

Third-party integrations are not officially supported by Logfire.

They are maintained by the community and may not be as reliable as the integrations developed by Logfire.

Mirascope is a developer tool for building with LLMs. Their library focuses on abstractions that aren't obstructions and integrates with Logfire to make observability and monitoring for LLMs easy and seamless.

You can enable it using their @with_logire decorator, which will work with all of the model providers that they support (e.g. OpenAI, Anthropic, Gemini, Mistral, Groq, and more).

import logfire
from mirascope.core import anthropic, prompt_template
from mirascope.integrations.logfire import with_logfire


@prompt_template("Please recommend some {genre} books")
def recommend_books(genre: str): ...

response = recommend_books("fantasy")  # this will automatically get logged with logfire
# > Certainly! Here are some popular and well-regarded fantasy books and series: ...

This will give you:

  • A span around the recommend_books that captures items like the prompt template, templating properties and fields, and input/output attributes
  • Human-readable display of the conversation with the agent
  • Details of the response, including the number of tokens used
Logfire Mirascope Anthropic call
Mirascope Anthropic call span and Anthropic span and conversation

Since Mirascope is built on top of Pydantic, you can use the Pydantic plugin to track additional logs and metrics about model validation.

This can be particularly useful when extracting structured information using LLMs:

from typing import Literal, Type

import logfire
from mirascope.core import openai, prompt_template
from mirascope.integrations.logfire import with_logfire
from pydantic import BaseModel


class TaskDetails(BaseModel):
    description: str
    due_date: str
    priority: Literal["low", "normal", "high"]

@openai.call("gpt-4o-mini", response_model=TaskDetails)
@prompt_template("Extract the details from the following task: {task}")
def extract_task_details(task: str): ...

task = "Submit quarterly report by next Friday. Task is high priority."
task_details = extract_task_details(task)  # this will be logged automatically with logfire
assert isinstance(task_details, TaskDetails)
# > description='Submit quarterly report' due_date='next Friday' priority='high'

This will give you:

  • Tracking for validation of Pydantic models
  • A span around the extract_task_details that captures items like the prompt template, templating properties and fields, and input/output attributes
  • Human-readable display of the conversation with the agent including the function call
  • Details of the response, including the number of tokens used
Logfire Mirascope Anthropic call
Mirascope OpenAI Extractor span and OpenAI span and function call

For more information on Mirascope and what you can do with it, check out their documentation.