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The logfire.instrument_asyncpg() function can be used to instrument the asyncpg PostgreSQL driver with Logfire.


Install logfire with the asyncpg extra:

pip install 'logfire[asyncpg]'
uv add 'logfire[asyncpg]'
poetry add 'logfire[asyncpg]'


Let's setup a PostgreSQL database using Docker and run a Python script that connects to the database using asyncpg to demonstrate how to use Logfire with asyncpg.

Setup a PostgreSQL Database Using Docker

First, we need to initialize a PostgreSQL database. This can be easily done using Docker with the following command:

docker run --name postgres \
    -e POSTGRES_USER=user \
    -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=secret \
    -e POSTGRES_DB=database \
    -p 5432:5432 \
    -d postgres

This command will create a PostgreSQL database, that you can connect with postgres://user:secret@

Run the Python script

The following Python script connects to the PostgreSQL database and executes some SQL queries:

import asyncio

import asyncpg
import logfire


async def main():
    connection: asyncpg.Connection = await asyncpg.connect(
        user='user', password='secret', database='database', host='', port=5432

    with logfire.span('Create table and insert data'):
        await connection.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test (id serial PRIMARY KEY, num integer, data varchar);')

        # Insert some data
        await connection.execute('INSERT INTO test (num, data) VALUES ($1, $2)', 100, 'abc')
        await connection.execute('INSERT INTO test (num, data) VALUES ($1, $2)', 200, 'def')

        # Query the data
        for record in await connection.fetch('SELECT * FROM test'):
  'Retrieved {record=}', record=record)

If you go to your project on the UI, you will see the span created by the script.