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Integrate Logfire

In this section, we'll focus on integrating Logfire with your application.

OpenTelemetry Instrumentation

Harnessing the power of OpenTelemetry, Logfire not only offers broad compatibility with any OpenTelemetry instrumentation package, but also includes a user-friendly CLI command that effortlessly highlights any missing components in your project.

To inspect your project, run the following command:

logfire inspect

This will output the projects you need to install to have optimal OpenTelemetry instrumentation:

Logfire inspect command

To install the missing packages, copy the command provided by the inspect command, and run it in your terminal.

Each instrumentation package has its own way to be configured. Check our Integrations page to learn how to configure them.

Logging Integration (Optional)


If you are creating a new application or are not using a logging system, you can skip this step.

You should use Logfire itself to collect logs from your application.

All the standard logging methods are supported e.g.

There are many logging systems within the Python ecosystem, and Logfire provides integrations for the most popular ones: Standard Library Logging, Loguru, and Structlog.

Standard Library

To integrate Logfire with the standard library logging module, you can use the LogfireLoggingHandler class.

The minimal configuration would be the following:

from logging import basicConfig

import logfire


Now imagine, that you have a logger in your application:
from logging import basicConfig, getLogger

import logfire


logger = getLogger(__name__)
logger.error("Hello %s!", "Fred")

If we run the above code, with python, we will see the following output:

Terminal with Logfire output

If you go to the link, you will see the "Hello Fred!" log in the Web UI:

Logfire Web UI with logs

It is simple as that! Cool, right? 🤘


To integrate with Loguru, check out the Loguru page.


To integrate with Structlog, check out the Structlog page.